• The Last Airbender live action; is it worth watching?

    Even starting off a review with “is it worth watching” seems like setting the bar pretty low. But after the unspeakably bad movie adaptation that is where the bar has been set. I won’t bury the lead. My personal answer is yes, if you are a fan of the animated Avatar: The Last Airbender you…

  • A review of the Dune movies

    I am a somewhat newcomer to the Dune fanbase. I read the first book slightly before the first of the recent Dune movies came out and loved it. I watched the 1984 adaption and cringed in horror at the evisceration of a universe I had only just become a fan of. And now after having…

  • Fluffy’s Movie Fluff and Other Stuff

    So, what is this? Well…occasionally I seem to have an interesting observation about a movie. Sometimes maybe some other random stuff too. For posterity and in the unlikely possibility someone accidentally finds their way onto this blog and finds it interesting, I have decided to record my thoughts online. If nothing else it is a…

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